Monday, February 6, 2012

Larson Letter

As you can tell, I'm not very good at posting on this blog so I'm going to try to write a weekly letter. If you'd like to receive it, let me know and I'll add you to my email list.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Natalie Larson

A little over 2 months ago we welcomed our 3rd sweet little girl to our family. Natalie Larson was born at 8:29 pm on August 24th 2011. Heres her birth story:

About 8 hours earlier I went in to my prenatal appointment and was told I was dilated to a 6 and should go to the hospital because I was probably going to have a baby. I say probably because I didn't feel like I was in labor because I wasn't contracting regularly. So I called Jeff and told him he should come home from work and take me to the hospital. I picked Rachel and Jaki up from my friend who was watching them for me and then took them to the wonderful family who had agreed to take them when I had the baby.

We got to the hospital and the midwife seemed a little skeptical that I would be having the baby that day since I didn't really look like I was in labor. I had a c-section with Rachel and if I wanted to avoid having a c-section again they needed to make sure I was going to progress without too much intervention. After hooking me up to the monitor and finding that I was having contractions somewhat regularly they decided to start me on antibiotics because I was GBS+ and needed them for 4 hours before the baby was born. I got my first dose and then Jeff and I did laps around the hospital floor on and off for those 4 hours trying to make sure I would be able to stay and have the baby. My contractions weren't painful at all so we were just having fun! At 4 hours the midwife found that I had only progressed to a 7. It was far enough that I was for sure going to have the baby, but she decided to break my water to help speed things along.

Then the contractions really started working. I couldn't find any comfortable positions and was gradually starting to hurt. I would try laying on my side, sitting up, standing up, but just couldn't get comfortable. After about an hour I was getting a little worried. I really didn't want to have an epidural (I hate having the needle put into my back and how they make me feel), but I was really hurting. I think my nurse could tell I was getting nervous because she told me to come to bed and she would check me to see if I could push yet. Lucky her, she had just come on shift. I got into bed and found out I was a 10 and could push. Yea! The midwife gowned up quickly, thank goodness (she had just come on shift too). I pushed a few times and our little girl was born an hour and a half after they broke my water.

Jeff and I had both kinda thought we were having a boy so we were surprised to find that she was a girl, but instantly fell in love. She was so chubby and perfect! She started crying and just sounded so healthy. I was so happy with her. She tried to breastfeed and actually latched on! I have had a lot of trouble with breastfeeding and neither of my other babies ever latched on to me so I was very happy that she would try.

Our first night I didn't get a lot of sleep because she was such a hungry girl, but she has been wonderful since then. I have to add in that Jeff did get some sleep: there was one time after feeding her that I laid her in her crib and started to pump and she started to fuss so I tried to wake Jeff up to get her. I started out in a normal voice and gradually started to raise the volume, but then was afraid I would wake up the patients in the rooms next to me or the nurses would be afraid something was wrong. So I tried throwing things at him. He never woke up and I finished pumping and got her back to sleep. When he woke up the next morning and found the box of kleenex and other stuff around him he thought what the heck?! I don't blame him though, he had been really busy at work and I actually thought it was kinda funny.

I have been calling her "her" so much because we didn't think of a name until she was about a day old. Natalie was on our list and we both like it a lot, but Rachel and Jaklyn were named after people in our family and Natalie wasn't. But it fit so well and so that is what we named her. I think it is such a pretty name!

Rachel and Jaki have loved Natalie so much right from the start! They were so excited to hold her and still are. Rachel almost always wakes up in the morning and comes and sits on the couch and asks to hold her after she is done eating. This morning she rocked her back to sleep for me. Rachel can feed her her bottle and even sit her up and burp her afterwards. Jaki sometimes makes me a little more nervous around Natalie, but still does pretty well.

Jeff has totally accepted his role as a dad of 3 girls. Before Natalie was born Rachel and Jaki had been wanting me to paint their nails at least a couple times a week. After she was born they kept asking, but right when I was feeding Natalie. So Jeff painted their nails for them!

He did Rachel's hair really cute one day(one of the few times she had it done in the weeks following the birth)

and has even given a couple piano lessons even though he says he doesn't remember how to play.

He is such a good dad and I am one lucky wife!

Natalie was blessed about a month ago and the blessing mentioned peace a few times. I have totally felt that. She just makes my heart so happy and at peace and I noticed that before the blessing was given.

We still have our fair share of trials as a family, but we are happy!

Here are some pictures from the hospital:

Am I in labor or what?

Natalie Larson born August 24th at 8:29 pm. 8 lbs 13 oz, 21 1/2 inches long.

Poor Jaki had a runny nose and I snapped this picture when she fell asleep in the hospital room.
Grandma got here the night after Natalie was born

A family of FIVE!

Peace out!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We found these today and Rachel and Jaki fell in love! They have been wearing them all day.

Rachel even fell asleep in them and when I went to wake her up for dinner the goggles were all foggy. I took them off and she had rings around her eyes that stayed pretty much all through dinner.

Jaki especially looks awesome with the goggles on crooked and her hair in her getting ready for bed look.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Larson 2010 Christmas Letter

What a year for the Larsons! We started the year out freezing in Smithfield Utah, and have ended up with some December surfing in Huntington Beach California. Here is a little of what has happened in between:

In January we got to take a fun trip to the dunes in St. George. In early May Jeff graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Utah State!!!! YEA!!!! After graduation we went to the north-east corner of the country (Bellingham, WA) to go to a Baja competition for Jeff's senior project. (If you don't know what a Baja is, ask Jaki. She can tell you.) Right after the final ceremonies of the competition we loaded into the car and headed down the coast to Orange County, CA. Jeff started his dream job with King Shocks developing off-road shocks. We found the house we wanted to rent, went back to Logan to load up all our.....junk, and drove off into the sunset.

With the move and new job, Kayla finally got to trim back her RN hours. Jeff's lack of school, and Kayla working less means we get to enjoy a lot more family time! We enjoy going to the beach, playing in the pool, checking out the sights around Orange County, learning to surf, and taking family bike-rides. (Rachel learned to ride without training wheels!) We've made trips to Snowflake for the 24th of July, St. George to watch some football, Mesa for a girls' trip (Jeff wasn't invited) and Logan for Thanksgiving. Now we get to head back to Snowflake for Christmas and we can hardly wait. Our girls have really missed the Logan snow, but have enjoyed having more than 6 months in the year to enjoy some warm weather.

We've found that living in Huntington Beach, California seems to attract more visitors than living in Smithfield, Utah. I can't imagine that living 5 minutes from the beach and 20 minutes from a few popular theme parks make any difference. We really have loved haviing everyone. Our girls have become quite the entertainers! We're always ready for more visitors, so if you're coming this way, we'd love to have you stay with us.

We are so grateful for the year we have had, for prayers that have been answered, and for the great associations we have with family and friends. We hope this letter finds you well and that you all have a wonderful Christmas.

Love, Jeff, Kayla, Rachel and Jaki


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Yesterday after dropping Rachel off at preschool Jaki and I came home to continue making our goodie plates. Jaki decided to go into the other room to admire the tree for a while (where she and Rachel had already been told they could not have a candycane until after lunch). After a little while she comes into the kitchen handing me a candycane wrapper with candycane all over her face and hands. She got a little scolding, and a good wash but I couldn't be too mad at her. I found that she hadn't eaten all the candycane, just a little part that had broken off. What is a little 2-year-old to do when she sees a little piece broken off a candycane?

So we got busy again making out pumpkin rolls with Jaki going in and out of the kitchen. After a while she comes back in holding a partly unwrapped candycane with the tip all sticky and tapered to a nice little point. She has blue candycane all over her face and hands. I tell her, "Jaki, I told you not to eat any more candycanes. Now you don't get any more candy today."

As I'm washing her face and hands again she turns to me and says, "I just wicked it."

My mom flew in last Thursday and she and Jeff took Rachel to my OCMCO Christmas concert. OCMCO stands for Orange County Mormon Choral Organization. There is an amazing adult choir, a wonderul orchestra (which I was fortunate enough to join) and some younger choirs, even down to kids Rachel's age. I figured Rachel would enjoy watching the groups of small children sing. I also hoped exposing her to a fun Christmas concert such as this would help to instill a love for good music. I thought without Jaki being there and Rachel sitting by my mom and Jeff she would do okay at the concert. She got to wear her new Christmas dress and was very excited to go, while Jaki got to go to her friend Billy's house. Rachel ended up doing okay at the concert and Jeff said she liked it, but he also said she had a hard time sitting still. Understandable for a 4-year-old.

The next day Rachel was having a hard time listening and obeying and I thought a good motivator would be to tell her that if she couldn't act like a big girl she wouldn't be able to go to any more concerts. She told me she didn't want to go to any more concerts. "You didn't like hearing all those little kids sing?" I said. Her idea was, "I just want all the kids to come sing at Billie's house."

That'll show me to threaten taking away something I wanted Rachel to enjoy in the first place. Oh well, maybe when shes older she will enjoy the concerts a little more.

The day after my concert we had to take my mom back to the airport so she could go to another concert in Mesa. She gave each of my girls her famous brand which is a big kiss on the cheek leaving a bright red kiss-mark from her lipstick. Rachel liked hers, but washed it off a few minutes after getting it. Jaki, however, loved hers. Each time she looked in the mirror and saw her "mooch" as she called it, her face would light up. She didn't want to wash it off and it ended staying on for most of the next day. When it finally came off in her bath she was so sad. Every once in a while when she sees that it is missing she gets so sad. I told her she can get one again when we see Grandma next time. Now she can't wait to go to Snowflake for Christmas so Grandma Flake can give her another mooch on her keek.

Since I haven't posted any pictures for a while, here are a couple of our freeeezing wintertime fun around here.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I've been feeling a little guilty that I seem to post a lot about Rachel, and not so much about Jaki. They've both had birthdays in the last 2 weeks, Rachel turning 4 and Jaki turning 2 and are becoming so grown-up! Maybe 2 is the magical age, but Jaki all of a sudden says funny things all the time.
She calls Rachel Chechel or Chech for short. The other day she and Rachel were playing while I was cooking dinner and, as so often happens, their play-time turned into an argument. I could hear the little scuffle from the kitchen, but ignored them/decided to let them work it out on their own. However, Jaki soon came into the kitchen with an angry sort of cry, "Chechel pushed my Aggie!!!" (she has a Utah State shirt that does not have an aggie on it at all, but it is still called her aggie)
Then after dinner was ready that night we sat down to eat and Jaki started out saying the blessing for us all by herself. It went a little something like this: "Dear Heavenly Father................, please bless my nilk (milk)......................, please bless Chechel's nilk............... " Then she needed help for the rest of the blessing. It was so cute.
She loves to bockagye (rockabye) and hardly ever puts up any fight for naptime. Occasionally she doesn't want to, but she sometimes even tells me she is tired and is always happy to sit on my lap in the rocking chair and bockagye. Bedtime is another story, but naptime is always a pleasure.
I love my girls!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Ups and Downs of getting Married (in the eyes of a 3-year-old)

Rachel has been telling me for the last couple months that she is excited to get married. her reasoning being that she wants to have a baby. She would ask me constantly who she was going to marry or when she was going to get married. A couple times she has asked if she was going to marry Dad. I tell her no, that I already got him. One time after hearing this answer she asked, "Well who am I going to marry?" I told her she would marry a man who came home from his mission and told her she was awesome and that he loved her and would she marry him? I told her she would then tell him yes, but only if they got married in the temple. She asked, "Like you and Dad got married in the temple?" I said yes, just like we did. She asked, "Am I going to marry Rusty?" (Rusty is her uncle who is on a mission right now.)

Later after having one of our "when am I going to get married" conversations, I told her that when she got married she wouldn't live with us anymore. She would live with her husband.

Now she tells us she doesn't want to get married because she always wants to live with us.

What a sweetheart.